“The federal committee crafting the 2015 ‘Dietary Guidelines for Americans’ features radical nutritionists who favor Americans moving to ‘plant-based’ diets and a vice chair that […]
(The first part of this article was run in the last issue of the Jefferson Policy Journal here.) On March 30, 2012, Virginia’s Secretary of […]
The headline is hard to believe. The request in the Federal Register on May 7, is not. The solicitation is from the Inspector General’s office […]
This July Virginians will start spending billions to meet tough new storm-water regulations. Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden (Richmond) wants to demonstrate best practices that save the […]
EPA is defending their new proposal to define the ‘Waters of the United States’ in the Clean Water Act. At a competing website EPA Administrator Gina […]
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has been forceful in claiming EPA’s definition of “waters of the United States” is merely a clarification and not an expansion […]