EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, commenting on the new definition of what constitutes a water of the United States says, “To be clear: our proposal does […]
I just returned from Germany and Poland and was startled to discover the regulatory control the European Union exercises over its farmers and agriculture. This […]
“Despite a quarter century of promises, agricultural biotechnology has yet to provide any concrete advancements towards reducing world hunger, ameliorating global malnutrition, combating…, creating miracle […]
Watch the government bureaucrats in December of any year. The Government Accountability Office issued a report (CLEAN WATER ACT –Changes Needed if Key EPA Program […]
Since September, 2013, a number of organizations and writers have been describing a ticking time bomb coming from EPA to be delivered to all landowners. […]
In the December 5th edition of the Jefferson Policy Journal I told you about the Pew Commission’s report condemning large-scale livestock farms. The report is […]