While most of the post-debate news coverage is still rightly focused on the mental acuity (or lack thereof) of President Biden, the use of the […]
The Democrats now running Virginia’s General Assembly are not just more progressive, but far more ambitious than their predecessors. To fully understand how ambitious you must […]
Work isn’t just about a paycheck. At its core, work is about freedom, accomplishment, respect, human dignity, and even companionship. Work gives purpose and is essential to […]
There are few issues with more economic consensus than the negative impacts of the minimum wage. Originally designed to mimic racially discriminatory laws in other countries, the […]
Virginia’s ranking fell more than any other state in the in the Commonwealth Foundation’s 50 State Labor Report “The Battle for Worker Freedom in the […]
“Don’t follow our path. Don’t copy the Europeans. It will end in tears,” Peiser said.
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