Why should public data be online?
Check out a cool public service announcement by the Sunlight Foundation for their campaign to get government data online.
Latest from Citizens United: Disclosure, Yes. Contribution limits, No.
The impact of the Supreme Court’s recent Citizens United decision continues to be ferreted out, this time in a decision by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
TransparencyCamp: Three Challenges
With TransparencyCamp kicking off this weekend, I want to issue a challenge to the entire open government and transparency community to help solve three big, easy problems. Starting this weekend, I’d like us to plan how we’re going to solve these problems, and to have them solved them all by July 4th, 2010. We’ll call it “Data Independence Day.”
Court hears arguments on publishing Social Security numbers
The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia yesterday defended a privacy advocate’s lower-court victory permitting her to publish the Social Security numbers of Virginia officials on her Web site.
“Transactional” Organizing in the Age of Obama
In the latest issue of the American Prospect, DC-based organizer Deepak Bhargavaapproaches the question of how the movement momentum built up during the Obama campaigntranslates into the post-election stage, something we’ve discussed here often. Bhargava, the executive director of the Center for Community Change, isn’t explicitly concerned with online organizing. But much of what he writes about speaks to the underlying questions of what would need to happen both online and off for the left to turn expand the “Obama presidency” into a powerful progressive era.