“Virginians should be fed up with a transportation debate that focuses only on more taxes and not on reforming a system that isn’t working well […]
Thomas Jefferson Institute Staff
The most recent federal law affecting the communications industry as a whole was the Telecommunications Act of 1996. It failed to anticipate the widespread adoption […]
The Thomas Jefferson Institute continues to impact state public policy like no other independent public policy foundation — from increasing government transparency, to defeat of […]
Attendees at the 2007 Innovations in Government Conference held December 17, 2007 in downtown Richmond heard from a wide range of experts and practitioners on […]
The Fairfax County Executive’s 2007 attack on the Thomas Jefferson Institute’s Fairfax County budget study is based on faulty financial figures and attacks the methodology […]
Working with legislators, key government officials and business leaders, the Thomas Jefferson Institute continued to bring creative and workable ideas for solving some of Virginia’s […]