Another transportation myth has bitten the dust — this time the claim that government can access cheaper infrastructure financing than the private sector. Transurban’s experience […]
Leonard Gilroy
Leonard Gilroy is director of government reform at Reason Foundation and Senior Fellow on Government Reform with the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy in Virginia.
Isn’t it time we got more mileage out of transportation spending? Here’s how to do it.
Want to make it harder to build and fund new roads in Virginia? Just renege on your deals, and watch investors run away.
Why not consider leasing out rights to operate the state lottery? That's one way to maximize a steady income stream for the Commonwealth's taxpayers and […]
At least one key transportation steward understands the critical importance of private-sector investment in expanding and modernizing Virginia’s road system. Here are some of the […]
Transportation remains a top priority for many Virginians living in the more congested areas of the Commonwealth. Here are three papers explaining new ideas based […]