$25.00 per person
Recent reports from Boston, New York, and Washington, DC demonstrate that a quality charter school can make a dramatic difference in the education and the lives of at-risk children. In DC, The Washington Post showed that of the top 10 middle schools in math proficiency, seven were public charter schools. In New York, Harvard researchers found that disadvantaged students in charter schools like Harlem’s Democracy Prep scored almost as well as students in the affluent Scarsdale suburban school district. And in Boston, researchers demonstrated that charter schools do significantly better than semi-autonomous “pilot” schools.Every state, and most communities, have student populations that could benefit from the rigorous instruction offered by a quality charter school. But in Virginia, too many of those who want to organize a charter don’t have the skills and background to develop an educational program and assessment measures that achieve academic excellence. And too many charter authorizers misunderstand the role of charters, or their role as authorizers. | This panel discussion will examine the characteristics of quality charter schools that improve the lives of children. And it will explore what authorizers must do to ensure educational achievement.The DC Charter School Board is a separate entity designed specifically to review charter applications. The New America Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy emphasizing work that is responsive to the changing conditions and problems of our 21st Century information-age economy. The Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) focuses on the placement of successful, quality charter schools within the black community. |
Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy/9035 Golden Sunset Lane/Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 440-9448/Fax: (703) 455-1531/Email: info@thomasjeffersoninst.org

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