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The Thomas Jefferson Institute is the publisher of the Jefferson Policy Journal, which is an electronic magazine that reviews all articles submitted to it for publication. Once selected and before something appears in our publication you can be assured that concerns have been clarified, deletions or additions have been suggested as necessary; and factual, typographical and grammatical errors have been caught (we hope).

We are also concerned about readability. We want to ensure that the articles published here are understandable to a broad audience. Subsequently, if an article is overly technical we may suggest word changes; if parts are unclear we will take our best stab at it and then ask the author to clarify with more succinct language.

Most importantly, however, we will not publish something unless it has been approved by its author. We will send the article back with suggested changes highlighted so it is easy to tell what has been altered. If there are disagreements on our edits we will work with the author understanding that it is the author’s final decision.

Christian Braunlich, Editor of the Jefferson Policy Journal and President of the Thomas Jefferson Institute, has final say on all selected articles. Opinions expressed belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Jefferson Policy Journal or the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy or its Board of Directors.  Comments posted on this site do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Jefferson Policy Journal or the Thomas Jefferson Institute. Comments are moderated and subject to deletion at the discretion of the Jefferson Policy Journal’s staff – to avoid potential libel, abusive or inappropriate language or general boorishness.  The authors, and not the Jefferson Policy Journal, are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of what they write.

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