Virginia was a pioneer and early adopter in the privatization of various state government programs and functions. But given the pace at which other states […]
Budget Planning
Like a number of other states, Virginia is pretty much papering over its current budget deficits through the use of temporary federal stimulus dollars, largely […]
The national economy is affecting government budgets throughout the Commonwealth, and that includes school divisions. In adapting to leaner times, the Roanoke City School Board […]
Contrary to popular claims, the price of prescription drugs are a small and decreasing factor in the ever-increasing costs of health insurance. If we’re going […]
An Arizona bill offers a blueprint for right-sizing state government. A similar system already in place in Florida saves taxpayers $29 million a year. So […]
Local governments are under the budget shortfall gun this year. But is it because of a declining economy, or past excess spending? Here’s one case […]