The Virginia General Assembly partially reversed one tax hike that was coming towards Virginia taxpayers. But three other tax increases are all on track, and […]
Stephen D. Haner
Stephen D. Haner is Senior Fellow for State and Local Tax Policy at the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. He may be reached at
If the East Coast’s largest solar generation facility is rejected by the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors, one of the reasons will be the major tax […]
Once again, both parties at the Virginia General Assembly has pushed forward doomed legislation on a proposed carbon cap and tax regime the state will […]
Virginia’s most effective tax collector is inflation. Virginia’s long refusal to adjust any element of its income tax for slow but constant inflation means that […]
Things move rapidly at the Virginia General Assembly, but one week into the 2019 session there is no hint of a decision on how Virginia […]
When the General Assembly meets in January, it should fully conform Virginia’s tax system to the new federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, but it […]